Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to Work

I look forward to Tuesday. It's back to work day. I have enjoyed the holidays, the visits with friends and family, the great treats, and several really fine meals. The decorations, the lights, even the busy malls. It's all been good and, frankly, I'm looking forward to next year. Who knows, next year might even warrant a trip to the Big Apple to really experience full immersion in the holiday experience. But, for now, that's all way, way in the future.

Right now I'm looking forward to a few weeks without any meals to plan, gifts to buy, or obligatory visits. Just the old day to day work. Go to work, come home, and continue to ignore all the projects I should have resolved to complete.

Speaking of resolutions, that is probably the one aspect of the return to work I am not looking forward to: "Oh I'm not_________anymore. I've given it up for the New Year." As in giving up coffee, candy, bread, pop, gum,what ever. It's far worse than Lent, that season in the church year when Catholics forego some item for the 40 days before Easter.  At least that misery is limited and motivated by religion. The stuff we'll be running into Tuesday is the bad stuff: Motivated by guilt or in response to nagging or harrassment. The kinds of decisions that have little potential for success and significant potential for frustration, aggravation, and, ultimately, failure. Please, spare me the cost of your silly resolution.

It could be a long week or two. Or three. But eventually we'll got back to normal. For now, I'm just glad to get back to business as usual-- and I thank goodness I have no promises to keep.

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