Friday, March 8, 2013

Coming Home

I expect I'll be happy tomorrow morning. I expect I'll wake up tomorrow and my daughter's bedroom door will be shut. She'll probably sleep until 10 and I sure don't care. I expect all will go as planned and Kels will be back on the mainland, tucked in bed, ready to face the real world once again, safely returned from the land of sunshine, beaches, and rum.

It doesn't matter if they're 11 or twenty-one, when they're away you always have it in your head. There is always that little night light burning in the corner of your mind, a distraction, an alert that something is missing, something's not quite whole, not quite right.

I'm not a worrier by nature. I tend to believe and expect safety and happy endings. Nonetheless, I look forward to that little light being turned off first thing in the morning.

Safe travels, sweetie.

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