Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Small Voice

I'm the kinda guy who likes to mix and match.  Cereal, that is. So it's not unusual that I have Grape Nuts and Granola, or Cheerios and Raisin Bran. The other morning I had what my brother-in-law Leon likes to call "mustgos." Those are all the remainders, left-overs, less than one portion items that must go. First on the list, about a quarter cup of Rice Krispies. Then some oat bran squares, some Cheerios, and, finally, a dash of granola. (Hey, at least I don't drown the mess with coffee like my old friend Danny's Dad would do. By way of explanation to a wide-eyed 10 year old: "It all gets mixed up in your stomach anyway." Okay. But can't you wait til it gets there?)

The thing I noticed was that, even under the weight of all those other cereals,  even after pouring on the milk-like-substance and submerging that little quarter cup of cereal well below deck-- walking back to the fridge I could hear that small band of Rice Krispies, out numbered and crushed under the weight of their bowl mates-- I could still hear "Snap, Krackle, Pop." Maybe I'm stoned but, is there a message in that, or what? Perhaps a reminder about personal integrity?

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