Friday, December 9, 2011

Grumpy Old Me

I must be turning into a grumpy old pink-o, socialist, commie, hippie: I took care of a woman the other day and she tells me she is paying $1800 a month for health insurance for herself and her husband and they still have a significant deductible. What the fuh.....!

It just seems that in a modern society if you get sick or you need an operation or your teeth need care or you need just strikes me that you should be able to get that as a human being living in the United States in the year 2011 without having to choose between food-- or gas or housing or clothing-- and healthcare. Canada seems to be able to accomplish this along with a whole lot of other modern countries. And, yes, they do pay higher taxes.

I have heard the comments about access and quality and I don't buy them. I sat next to a man on a flight a few months back, a duel citizen of the U.S. and Canada. He teaches at the University of Saskatchewan and is a native of Illinois. His appraisal? "I just like being able to get care when I need it without having to think about deductibles and all that." I have also heard about the Canadians who cross into Michigan because they don't want to wait 4 months to get an MRI of their knee. Boo hoo.

Like I said, I guess I'm just getting grumpy. But every day 10,000 Americans-- 10,000!-- are turning age 65. I see older people every day and I cannot imagine how our present system of medical care is going to even begin to handle the volume of need that's coming. It's enough to really piss me off.

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