Monday, May 14, 2012

A Simple Loaf of White

I made a loaf of bread this weekend. One loaf of white bread. First time ever. And the result was not half bad. Not that it was especially difficult or time consuming. If you don't believe me check out the recipe. Problem is, when you make something like a loaf of homemade bread you start doing things you shouldn't. Like having a late night peanut butter & honey on homemade white. And, although I love PB & honey on homemade white, I haven't had it in years and probably shouldn't start having it at 9:30 PM now.

In grade school and junior high, peanut butter and honey on homemade white was my manna. The difference was, back then, homemade bread was not cool in the opinion of this 14 year old. Funny how things change. Back then it was the same thing every day: Unwrap the waxed paper and find that sandwich, bread soaked with honey oozing through every pore in my Mom's homemade white. While now it's a happy memory back then it was, "Why can't I have Wonder Bread like everybody else?"

Obviously the recipe I used is nothing like that of my Mom's. The bread I turned out is dense and without the big air-holes my Mom's suffered. Either my Mom was in too big a hurry when it came to kneading the dough or it's just a much larger task when turning out 5 or 6 loaves at a time. At any rate, try making a loaf of white. And don't skimp on the kneading. Kneading bread is a great way to relieve a little stress.

Just watch out when those late night carbs come calling.

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