Saturday, May 19, 2012

Orgasmic Expecations

One of my colleagues told me of a recent encounter. After hearing it I could only think, the bar has been set. That, and I'll never look at an octogenarian the same again.

If you're like me, in spite of mountains of evidence and personal experience to the contrary, you find it hard to believe your parents ever had sex. They kissed, sure, that was great. But that's as far as it went. There's no way on earth adults the age of our parents ever did that.

Then comes my partner's patient the other day: A woman in her mid-eighties who is concerned she may have a pinched nerve. She's been having pain and some numbness and-- that's right-- her orgasms feel different. Mid-eighties!

Okay. I'm impressed. My visual capacity might be suffering in a manner to test its limits but, God bless her and, I assume, her capable husband. And let me just say, as 10,000 people a day in the U.S. reach retirement age, the bar has been set! It's nice to know that life ahead is lookin' good!

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