Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

I came across a post Saturday with a link to this recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal. For most all my life I have been conflicted by the persistence in human history of war and government sanctioned killing. On the one hand I love where I live and the comforts and relative safety of living in the U.S.. On the other I think war is an abomination.

It's Memorial Day weekend and we have to be so very grateful and acknowledge our indebtedness to the thousands upon thousands of people who have died in creating and preserving the life we enjoy. Cemeteries are filled with the remains of men and women who have gone to war -- many involuntarily conscripted to battle. Lives ended in their youth. Families shattered with the loss of a parent or child. Men and women forever disfigured-- mentally and physically. The sorry fact is that many of these people have died in battles fought in response to the tyranny imposed by just a single individual and a handful of supporters imposing their will on a nation. Toxic leadership.

I have a friend who has trouble sleeping nights. He is a surgeon who has treated thousands of patients. Now, in his 60's, he has a son in Afghanistan. He has a son who, all his life, has wanted to be a soldier. He has a son who believes it is his duty and calling to go to war. He has a son whose dad can't sleep well anymore, who worries, who is scared. It is amazing to think we have never gotten to the point where there are just too many sleepless nights, too many broken bodies, to many broken hearts to carry on this way.

I'm grateful for every tyrant that's ever been forcibly removed from the face of the earth. And I'm grateful for every soul that has felt it was their duty to preserve our safety and well-being. But, as is true with so many cancers and infections, prevention is key. It is our great downfall as a species that we cannot see the value in working to eliminate the intolerance, inequality, and resentfulness-- the stubborn, shortsighted selfishness-- that leads to war. Thank a vet. But enough already.

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