Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pre-Summertime Blues

Michigan enjoyed record high temperatures Wednesday. When I left for home at around 7 last night it was still 75 degrees. Everyone, all day, it's all they could talk about was how nice it was outside. What a treat.

For me, being on call, it is not such a good thing.  This weather makes people go crazy. Suddenly everyone is outside-- the cabin fever has broken and insanity has set in. All I can do is just imagine what trouble people are headed for.

Today I'll take care of a young man who broke his leg this past evening. Typical summer night story: He's a "professional bicyclist"-- although he smokes a pack a day of cigarettes, drinks a few beers now and then (including shortly before crashing). Drugs? No. Well, a little pot now and then, you know.... Skinny, toothless, poor hygiene, pocked-up skin. Can you say meth head?  The ER was crawling with weirdos last night with everything from suicide attempts to weird infections to just plain weirdo's. An ER is always that kind of place. It doesn't matter if it's Cedars-Sinai, Bellevue, or good old Memorial. Face it: you don't go to an emergency room because things are good and you have other options.

We'll see the same thing in the dog days of summer when the nights are hot and steamy, mosquitoes are thick, and the air is still. As beautiful a day as we enjoyed Wednesday I just can't help thinkin': Maybe we can still find a few more weeks of cold-let's-stay-indoors-and-behave-ourselves kind of weather. Not soon enough, however. I'm on call until Monday and the weather is looking pretty good right through the weekend.

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