Saturday, March 31, 2012

Birthday Gifts

Today we celebrate the last of March and the last of the March Birthdays in this family. I was pulling a few things together this morning for a card and finding a photo to frame. Photos always take me places-- past, present and future.

Tam truly cherishes photos of her son. As I was looking through a batch of those from this past year it really brought into focus where we've been, where we are, and where we're headed. For me it's taken an awfully long time but I'm finally starting to realize that it's about them. As a Dad, as a husband-- it's about them. Many people grow up with that insight. Probably even more think they have that insight. Some of us wait years to gain that insight. And then, there are those who never do: They provide, they do their job, they "bring home the bacon," but it's still, at the end of the day and the end of a lifetime, always about them.

There are dozens of things with which a person can occupy a lifetime. Nothing deserves that time and attention more than the people you've brought into this world and the partner with whom you'll spend that time. No one deserves it more than the child who needs care and direction. No one deserves it more than the mate who stands along side. Nothing deserves your time more and there is no more deserving way to spend it.

So, this year,  my wife gets me for her birthday. Kels and Evan are getting the same thing. It fits well, goes everywhere, and lasts a lifetime. Best of all, I know they'll like it and won't mind getting the same thing year after year.

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