Saturday, October 29, 2011

Time Bomb

Everyone around me is sick. Tam has a miserable cold. My medical assistant has been sick with a cold. In the waiting room and exam rooms one can hear a viral bomb going off every minute or so in the form of a cough or sneeze. They're trying to get me. I woke up this morning as Tam was trying to find her water and an Advil Cold and Sinus on her nightstand in the dark. I lay there thinking "I'm next. Is my nose a little stuffy? Does my throat tickle?" (Why is it called a tickle in your throat when it doesn't make you laugh but, rather, annoys the heck out of you? I don't use the term but I've never met anyone giggling about a tickle in their throat.)

I don't freak out when I get sick and it's a rare day that I'll miss work due to illness but, dang, I hate having a head cold when I have to fly. I have a trip coming up and I if I'm going to get sick I wish it would just hurry up and strike.  I'm like a poor tortured prisoner, "If you're going to do it just go ahead and get it over with! I can't stand it anymore!!"

I once knew a guy who, when he got sick, had to pin the blame on an individual. He was an airline pilot. It wasn't good enough simply to be exposed to an airliner full of bugs or a crowded waiting area at the height of cold and flu season. No. He always had the need to identify a single source to his illness as in, "Bill gave me this cold." Not me. I just figure odds are I'm gonna get nailed one of these days. I just wish it would hurry up and get it over with so I can get out to Phoenix without rupturing an eardrum!

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