Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Think Outside the Box

One of the phrases I most dislike is "think outside the box."  It is beyond lame and terminally overused.  So much so, I can only hope the term really isn't used any more except among small groups of uninformed "stakeholders" who are being "engaged" by two-bit consultants. Translation: such snippets of corporate speak are the stock and trade of the medical consulting industry.

A small community hospital is fertile ground for just such abuse.  It is the bane of our existence, our dirty little secret, that at board and staff meetings we are still implored to "think outside the box."  Having had to hear the phrase overused for so very long I now finally realize what it means: Make a suggestion, discuss, and then prepare to hear what has already been planned and is about to be implemented. Bottom line? Think outside the box means:" Get out of your box and climb into mine."

Of course, one must never "think outside the box" unless they have "drilled down" into the available data prior to thinking outside the box. I always balk at "drilling down," however, as I fear I may strike an electrical line or other hazard long before I strike oil. For now I think I'll just look into a matter through research and logical evaluation of the available data. Then, I can come to a conclusion. Or, if you will, "wrap my mind around it."

There's a good one.  The last person I saw who wrapped his mind around something was a motorcycle rider. Needless to say, he was dead. Maybe the phase is a reference to warping your mind as in getting stoned once too often or looking at too much porn. For my money, I'd rather wrap my arms around something. That would be a physically plausible analogy, allowing me to embrace or contain the thing.  Hmmmm. Makes sense.

I'm just ranting here, I realize. But I get a little "pissed off "(that's orthopedic for upset) about all the money and time spent with consultants who constantly hide their often very simple ideas in layer upon layer of complex nonsensical wordsmithing bullsh*t.  I get so I think the only point to their crap is self-preservation: If you pay for advice you can't possibly understand then maybe you'll pay to have them stay around and explain it. Hey! Wait a minute-- maybe these guys are pretty smart!

1 comment:

  1. You tell 'em. No problem wrapping my head 'round this one, mummy style. Totally agreement here. "Think Outside the Box" should be banned from usage. Dumbest expression ever!
