Thursday, October 27, 2011

Good Fortune

Kels sent me an e-mail the other day. It was a "BTW my account says I still owe $1245. I think it's for my meal plan and it's due by the 31st."  As much as some parents gripe and complain about school expenses, we're a lucky bunch, those with kids who want to be in school. With all the expenses we face, all the options available to draw down one's bank account, there is no better way to spend your money, no greater success, than to usher on the success of your kid who has stayed the course and found her way forward. (Well, a new pair of boots might rate a close second.)

The way my measly investments are performing she may well have to pay it forward and finance my room and board in a nursing home some day. With prices what they are for long term care you would think they would at least throw in a class or two. Maybe offer a graduate degree after 4 years of residence? Hmm...that might be something to work on. In the meantime, I need to start convincing my daughter there is no greater success than providing for one's elderly Dad.

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