Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pack Up the Trailer

As previously reported I have any number of patients in the course of a week belonging to a group best described as "dissatisfied elderly." Many of these people are not particularly disabled. Many of them remain quite active and continue to live independently-- even alone. They make it but they have problems; problems that interfere with their ability to enjoy life as they did in previous years. Medical, physical, emotional. The disgusted comment always starts, "Let me tell you, the golden years..."

The other day I saw a man who broke his hip a few months back. He is slowly progressing in his recovery but appears to have weakness which might be explained by a pinched nerve.  He is frustrated by his impairment so I suggested we set him up to see someone for a nerve test. "When?" was his immediate response. He seemed anxious to get at the root of his trouble. I proceeded to list any number of options over the course of the next 2 to 3 weeks, all of which he shook his head in the negative. "Doctor's appointment." "Biopsy that day." "Have to see my dermatologist."  "Lab draw that day." His calendar was literally riddled with medical appointments. I laughed and told him I now know why we retire: So we'll have time for all of our doctor's appointments. With a look of defeat he laughed in agreement.

No problem. There is no urgency at this point. He can make an appointment at his convenience. "How about November?" I asked. "Hell no. We leave for Florida in 3 weeks." At least he's got his priorities straight. Like cholesterol pills, restricted diets, smoking cessation, and a half dozen other medically imposed restrictions placed in the name of health and longevity; at 80 you just need to say "screw it!" Pull the plug, pack up the trailer and head for Florida.

1 comment:

  1. Does this mean I have to get an RV? The SJG mobile? Hmm... I like the sound of that.
