Saturday, July 9, 2011


While out driving this evening I passed a sign for vacation bible school at one of the local churches. We're a God fearing bunch in these parts and there's nothing unusual about seeing a roadside yard placard advertising the Sunday School equivalent of summer school.  What caught my eye was the sign splashed with large yellow letters, "Sports Camp-Vacation Bible School."

"Nice try," I thought.  Maybe if they cloak the religious piece in sports it will be easier to fill seats around the table. The thought really channeled my inner cynic. These days it seems sports is the most respected occupation and spectacular aspiration achievable in the eyes of most American youth. In my generation it could have been "Jet Camp-Vacation Bible School."

But then I thought a bit further and realized not that much has really changed.  Not that I had any choice in the matter. For me VBS, as it was deftly referred to, casually tossed out in conversation like a Wall Streeter discussing credit default swaps, VBS was the 4 hours per day in one week of the summer vacation when our Mom would not have to wonder where we were or what we were doing.  And for us it was four hours per day in that one week of summer vacation when we didn't have to ask each other, "so, whata ya wanna do?"  But best of all, and I recalled this today seeing that sign marrying sports camp and VBS, I remembered every year that VBS meant two things I loved and would never have at home: real Koolaid and store bought cookies for snack time. And those were the two very best reasons to show up for VBS. Koolaid and store bought cookies inspired me to grow up and become that man who could have Koolaid and store bought cookies whenever he wanted!

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