Sunday, July 17, 2011


I’m going deaf.  It seems more acute entering my fifties.  I’m not certain I could be considered impaired but my wife certainly notices.  And I’m not referencing any old marriage jokes here.

Generation Z, however, is screwed.  I’m sitting on an airplane and I can hardly hear myself think for the nonstop mechanized percussion emanating from across the aisle where the guy’s earpieces are plugged deep in his auditory orifices and yet insufficient to contain the volume. And if I turn to my left I get a double dose from the two teens behind me.  Ear Candy, my ass!

When I was 15 (I know, here we go...) I didn’t have headphones.  When my parents weren’t home I would fashion a listening station for myself:  Two Grundig stereo speakers lying face up on the floor to either side of the chair in which I was seated.  Zepplin, Tull, Jeff Beck, let it rip!  I was only able to indulge in this excess a few times and so, while toxic for my ears, the exposure was minimal.  But, just to be clear, one does need to understand that I realize, sometimes, music is just better loud.

Of the several possible conditions that come with age being a grumpy old curmudgeon is not a moniker I would cherish wearing.  Even at this stage of the game I am, I say, far too hip to be square. Be that as it may I’m willing to risk the label because guys like those on the plane are going to have substantial hearing loss by the age of 25. Substantial. We need a national movement to turn it down (Just Say Low?) or we will end up with a generation that cannot hear by the time they're in their 30's.

Maybe this really isn’t a problem at all:  If you only communicate by text message who needs ears?

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