Saturday, September 1, 2012

From the Department of Overreacting Dads

I remember the trauma of getting shots. Like, every trip to the doctor's office was always with that cloud hanging overhead. And, why ask? If it's a yes it's pure unbridled dread. Don't ask and you're left to hope for the best and just worry yourself sick.  Us worriers tend to go with as little information as possible.

Evan has been jumping up and down with excitement about the prospect of starting Kindergarten this next week. It's fantastic to see. He went to meet his teacher the other night at open house and reported that, "She's small but she'll do a good job."

Then came the letter: To the parents of…  It seems we canceled a vaccination appointment a few months back so as not to interfere with our flight plans the next day. No shots the day before vacation is my mantra. Having forgotten that little matter led to our receiving the letter on Wednesday informing his Mom and me that he would need 4 vaccines before start of school.

Incredibly, Ev was totally cool about the whole thing. "That's okay. It's just like a pinch." Easy enough for him to say. For me I was right back in my single digits dreading the trip to join that long line of kids crying and wrestling their Moms as they're led along to get poked.  I worried about Ev's shots while lying in bed the night before. Saying goodbye to him Friday morning as I went out the door to work, it was all I could do not to sweep him up, give him a tearful hug, and say "Be brave, little guy! I'm so sorry!"

Fortunately for Ev, his Mom was in charge. When the nurse brought in the tray with three syringes Ev immediately walked over, picked one up, and said, "Here they are!" The kid is amazing, that's all there is to it. Later at lunch, and ever so matter of fact, he showed me his wounds in both thighs.

I was so happy to see him in such great shape I insisted his Mom let him have his very first gum ball right after going out for Chinese lunch. And then she took him off to buy a toy.  Hmmmm. Maybe if I had had a Mom like Evan's…..

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