Saturday, August 18, 2012

Rumor Has It

A guy on the radio today made the comment that nothing is more annoying than suddenly finding out you are the subject of an outrageous rumor. He said something to the effect that that everybody has had the experience of suddenly finding out you are associated with some outrageous event or circumstance. Everyone has found themselves in the position of thinking or saying, "where the heck did that come from??!"

I'm no angel. Given my sordid past I doubt I'll ever be hanging out with any angels. (Given my current set of beliefs I'm okay with that.) Point is, I've ducked in and out of enough "situations" to have earned the less than esteemed honor of having been the subject of more than a few rumors. Rumors, like criticism, don't bother me one bit. I am who I am. I work hard. I do far more good in life than bad. And, at the end of the day, I'm able to talk about who I am and what I've done-- good or bad.

The funny thing in all of this-- the thing that made the subject appeal to me and get me thinking and writing was this: When the radio guy went on about the outrage of finding oneself the subject of an outrageous rumor, it was this that came to mind:  The only rumors that ever really pissed me off were the ones that were both embarrassing…….and true.

There are few things more annoying than getting caught doing something you knew you shouldn't while thinking it was hidden from view. The only feeling possibly worse than that is the gut-feeling you get while spinning the lame-ass tale of denial.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read your autobiography. Rumor has it, it's going to be juicy.
