Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Akin Hangover

It seems by now the coverage of Missouri Representative Todd Akin's remarks should be well enough left alone. It's been news for more than 48 hours and that's like a lifetime in current media cycles. But at the risk of seeming to be both an opportunist and a Johhny-come-lately, I continue.

I continue because for me, Todd Akin is to conservative politics what vomiting is to a hang-over: it's just a bad start, a prodrome of worse things to come. The morning after is gonna be hell. The fact that this man, so highly regarded for his staunch conservative values, the fact that he can come out with a comment that is at once outrageous beyond comprehension and wholly ignorant-- and still retain the support of such conservative groups as the Family Research Council-- that is absolutely terrifying. It chills me to the bone that there are such powerful, well-funded groups actively seeking greater political power in order to promote and advance narrow-minded, pseudo-moral, pseudo-Christian, intolerant views.  Not just more power but, it would appear to be total control to dictate choice in American life. No taxes. No abortions. No fags. No Mexicans. Hey, how about no poor people? They're a pain in the ass as well.

This period in American history stands at the threshold of being remembered as the time when capitalism usurped democracy and fundamentalist social conservatism usurped liberty. As incredible as that statement may seem, when taken in light of the immeasurable ignorance and insensitivity of candidate Akin, coupled with the fact that there are those who continue to support his campaign, anything is possible. Certainly we are living in a time when people are frustrated, poorly informed, highly reactive, and weary of the status quo-- fertile soil for the growth of intolerance.

Not so long ago the far right seemed to me like just a noisy bunch of religious extremists. Weirdos. The rise of the Tea Party has suddenly given the far right new birth and new berth as they lock arms in their march against, well, it seems like damn near everything. "Heaven's yes! I'm against that!"

Obviously in didn't take long for the majority conservative candidates to come out against Mr. Akin's stunningly insensitive and ignorant comments. What's frightening is, below the surface, there is a tide that seems ready to forgive and over look his ignorance: "the Family Research Council condemns Akin's remarks but is still standing behind him because of his overall conservative record." I feel rather certain they're not alone in their position.

I'm not opposed to all conservative values but all of a sudden "conservative values" have been draped in a cloak of intolerance. And, as much as that makes me want to vomit, I worry more about the headache and illness that follows the morning after.

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