Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Time to Go to Work

I woke up this morning ready to get going when I realized I start today a little later than usual. Thursday is Thanksgiving and so there are not too many people lining up to have an operation this week. So, yahoo, I have an extra hour to get stuff done!

Back in school I remember sitting there during some lecture on parasitology or something, looking out at a beautiful sunny day from inside a lecture hall and thinking, "when I'm in practice if I don't feel like going to work I'm just going to call in and re-schedule everyone." It made for a good dream but an impossible goal. I've been in practice over twenty years and I've never done it once.  The fact is, like any project that has to get done, you can do it now or you can do it later. And when others are depending on you getting it done, sooner is definitely much more considerate than later.

I won't have time until this evening but, in as much as I'm having a Thanksgiving dinner here on Thursday, I should probably heed my own advice, sit still and figure out a menu. I should probably get to the market tonight as well. After all, people are probably expecting turkey and gravy and stuffing and, well, food for Thanksgiving dinner. I really doubt my sister and family would understand my calling in Thursday to reschedule.

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