Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Holiday State of Mind

I'm not sure I have ever, or will ever again, witness pre-holiday excitement as I am seeing it explode here in our home. Last year there was a little build up but this year, hang on to your socks, our 4 year old is unable to contain himself. It seems to have started on November 25th. Overheard on the telephone with his Grandma: When she inquired if he had a nice Thanksgiving his emphatic response was, "Thanksgiving's over! That was yesterday. It's Christmastime!" Allllrighty then.

In an effort to diffuse some of the excitement we have begun to set out some preliminaries, especially the kind that will engage him. The big Lionel train set is out and cruising along the living room floor. And Ev actually has his own little table top train set out and up next to his bed. We've even brought out the Rankin and Bass holiday staples Rudolph, Frosty, and Santa Claus is Coming to Town. It's early for all of this but I'm thinking this is probably not the time to introduce the discussion as to how the holidays have simply become an over played commercial exploitation of the American consumer in a well coordinated immersion campaign designed to boost U.S. year-end retail sales figures. Probably not this year.

For now, we'll stick with Lionel and Animagic and hope the house and all its occupants hold up 'til December 26th.

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