Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Stupid Americans

Events in Washington over the past several weeks have left more than our nation’s credit in jeopardy. As much as the discussion in the media has centered on the risk of Standard and Poor’s lowering our credit rating I’m afraid we miss a larger point.

Behavior in our congressional houses has left the United States with a severely impaired credibility rating.  At one time we were viewed as the beacon for democratic process: all voices measured and outcomes forged through negotiation and compromise for the betterment of society as a whole.  We could get it done. Instead the world has looked on incredulous while our once esteemed legislative institutions have deteriorated into childish parochial assemblies, firmly set on no mission other than the attack and destruction of the opposing party. Once upon a time we could have heated disagreement and debate and, yet, still move policy forward in a manner illuminating the legislative capacity for public good.  Now, it would appear, we have a legislature that is unable to even offer civilized debate, a legislature mired in partisan politics, threats and legislative hostage taking, and seemingly disinterested in the public welfare.

We should all look at the goings on of the past several weeks and hang our heads in shame.  Is this an episode we can hold up to our children as an example of the beauty and genius of the American system of government?  Has this been a “I’m proud to be an American” moment?  Despite either party’s stated intention of looking after the health of this nation and her future I find little to recommend recent events as an exemplary moment in the history of this great democracy.

I can only imagine the impact as the rest of the democratic world looks on and shakes their heads, viewing this noisy mess of politics as nothing less than a well covered public display of greed, selfishness, stubborn willfulness and immaturity. Worse yet is the natural assumption that the behavior in Washington is just a snapshot of the citizenry at large: selfish and divided.  We are seen acting the part of “stupid Americans” and future economics may well prove them correct.

The economic problems of this country are malignant and metastatic. No one party or approach will single-handedly reverse the progression.  To step away and refuse to participate in constructive cooperative problem solving is a disservice to the American public and works only to further jeopardize our tenuous financial health.  The world, it’s people, governmnents and resources, will turn away from the mess that has become the U.S. legislative process and the consequences may be dire indeed.  It matters little where you stand on the issue of debt, the debt ceiling or taxes. The recent performance in Washington, D.C. has been nothing short of embarrassing; an affront to the good people of this country and an assault on the stature and credibility of the United States. It’s beyond frustrating. It’s disgusting.

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