Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Change

August 26th.  According to the calendar we have almost 4 more weeks of summer remaining.  In a place like MIchigan that matters.  When summer's gone and the cold weather arrives it's not just a phase, it's a trial for many of us. For many it brings months of confinement and inactivity. Cabin fever.

Walking up to the hospital a couple of days ago I got my first whiff of it.  Stepping outside in the early morning it was almost immediate; just a few steps and I had to pause, take a breath, feel the air, and take note: The change is definitely on its way. The breeze was strong and the air cool and slightly moist. Balmy. I could hear the leaves being pushed about and the air was scented with earth and fields.  This is the time of year when those with allergies start to sniffle and sneeze and the supply of allergy medicine flies off the shelves of the pharmacy. As much as they hate to wish for it, the first frost will bring their relief.

At this time of year, with almost a month of calendar summer remaining, all of this is just a preamble, a reminder to pay attention, to enjoy the warmth and daylight that remains. Get busy out there while you still can. Before you know it, the days will be short and dark and the temperature cold and inhospitable. House arrest impends and soon you will be left with only your memories of this beautiful time of year when the sun is warm and the world so full of energy.  I'm talking about the weather here but the advice, nature's advice, extends far beyond the bounds of meteorology.

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