Saturday, December 22, 2012

Things Past, Present, and Future

I hope my son remembers last night for the next 16 years. There 's a nasty little virus making the rounds at the public schools in these parts: The rotten little bug we used to call "flu,"  crying and puking your guts out for hours on end.

I don't know if Ev got the bug or if he just got some bad chicken at Chinese last night. Either way, 10:30 last night he came wandering into the kitchen crying and smelling like, well, puke. So, two things I hope he remembers about last night:

First, because I'm a better floor sleeper, Evan's Dad spent the night on the floor next to his bed, getting up with him every hour. One good Dad award, please.

Second, and even more importantly, I hope he remembers what it's like to spend the night heaving and dry-heaving all night long. It's a useful reference experience when it comes to high school or college parties where it might seem like a good idea to drink way too much. His night certainly brought back some rough memories for me.

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