Saturday, June 2, 2012

Nothing To Do

Our local school district let out for the year at noon this past Thursday. By the time I drove home that evening I already saw kids standing outside their homes looking around like, "Okay. Now what?" Kids can't wait for school to get out but, frequently, haven't given much thought to what will happen next now that they won't be seeing their friends every day from 8 to 3. I'm sure it won't take long but there's always that initial concern with what to do next: Nothing worse than nothing to do.

Similarly, that same day I met with a man in his very early 60's to discuss knee replacement. I've known him a few years. I know he lost his wife to cancer few years back and had quite a struggle with depression. I know he was a busy salesman. So, I was happy to see him again and to meet his new wife. He was equally happy to let me know he was now retired. Wow, retired. I think this guy is around 62.

Like kids getting out of school, so many adults seem to look forward to retirement with great anticipation. Just can't wait. But for me? Holy crap! I've got a lot to keep me busy. But retired? I can't imagine not working at least some of the time-- and for a long time to come.

I reserve the right to change my mind. Maybe check-in with me in 5 or 10 years. Until then: Nothing worse than nothing to do.

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