Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bad Days

I'm happy to report I don't have many bad days. I have long days, and difficult days at times, but rarely a bad day. Although I guess I can count myself among the most fortunate of all because I know that I have never really had a bad day in the sense of personal tragedy, natural disaster, or manmade catastrophe. Lucky and I know it.

Occasionally I do have those days, however, when it just never lets up. Everything goes well enough but it just seems that one thing after another keeps pulling me back from that feeling of being on top-- the feeling we all know and love when we're in control and cruising toward the finish.

At my age and stage of the game these days become graduate education: What happened and why? What can be done differently? What choices did I make? What choices might I make differently? Whatever I come up with I always try to realize this: The best thing to do after plowing through a difficult situation is to carefully take inventory with the objective in mind it won't play that way again. It's not voodoo, it's not karma, it's not fate or resignation. It's reflection. It's reassessment. It's planning for next time.

All of that and a good home cooked meal. And maybe something really good like chocolate or english toffee for dessert. And a good hot soak. And bed by 10.

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