Sunday, April 8, 2012

Celebrating the New

This weekend both Passover and Easter holidays are observed. Interestingly, they are very much about the same thing although cast in quite different presentations. Both are about new life. The former celebrates life after captivity, the latter celebrates life after, well, life. Both are about new birth, growth, new opportunity.

From Rabbis to rabbits, from preachers to potted lilies, it's all a celebration to remind us that, after the dark of winter, life returns. Humans, just like all of life around us, are aware and alert to the change. We cannot escape the beauty that is beginning to show face and flourish, beauty that replaces the bleak landscape that, at least here in Michigan, has lay bare and dormant for months. It's time for a new start; time to remember where we've been, how we got here, and to look forward to what's ahead.

So, whatever your persuasion, Happy Springtime. I hope that with this change of season you are reminded that the most dreary of conditions hold the promise of new beginnings.

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