Friday, September 23, 2011

It Used To Be Fun

I don't mean to be obsessed with age related subjects.  Looking back I realize this is becoming somewhat of a recurring theme and I apologize if it's annoying or tiring. It is my blog, however, and I see a lot of aging people in my day to day routine. That, and, I'm aging myself. (Which, given the alternative is, so far, good.)

So, if you're still with me, check this out: I saw an older man today, early seventies. He is active and vigorous. He still operates heavy machinery and owns his own business doing excavating and such other work that requires a bulldozer and/or excavator. I took care of him just a few months back after tumbling off a trailer and breaking his wrist. The injury required an operation but, as you might expect, he's of the type who is back to work in about 6 weeks; maybe it was four.

He returned today because his shoulder had been bothering him for a few weeks. It was getting better and it hadn't slowed him down a bit. He tells me that and I had to ask: "So why am I seeing you here today?" His answer? "My wife made me." He said that, although he felt he was doing okay and the shoulder was steadily improving, his wife wanted him to come in get it checked out. Why? Because it hurt to get his overalls off a few weeks ago and she had to help him get undressed.

Dang! That used to be the fun part, your woman wanting to get your clothes off. I don't know which part of his experience is worse: having a sore shoulder or a wife who complains about having to take your clothes off! Either way it's hell getting old. I gave him a note for his wife saying his shoulder looked okay but she should continue to take his clothes off.

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