Monday, September 5, 2011

Back to School

Well it's Labor Day. Unofficial last day of summer, official last day of summer vacation.

As the school year gets underway, my daughter starts up year 2 as an undergraduate at U of M while my son starts pre-school.  If my math is correct, that's enough obligation to keep me working until I'm about 72 given the current economy, lack-luster investments, and impending collapse of Social Security.

People say having kids keeps you young; and that's true if one is referring to continuing to live in youth-like poverty. The good news is that having kids reminds you of your own youth and how lucky you are to have survived the experience and to relive it once again vicariously! Kids give you perspective, keep you honest, and give immeasurable pleasure to the time you have.... of your own, alone!

All through high school and, even now in college, I have implored my daughter to stay on top of her work.  Don't get behind. Don't procrastinate.  Even now, I worry about her staying on top of things. And it's not just studies and writing assignments.  Now we have to keep track of rent payments as well.

As I lay peacefully in bed this early AM, thinking about all this, I suddenly realized the date and the fact that I had failed to mail in a deposit for a major family reunion scheduled for August 2012. Crap!! I've had 4 weeks to send in the paperwork and the check, both of which were due "no later than August 30, 2011." F'in deadlines, anyway.

As I sent off my electronic apology and plea for both pardon and extension, I felt idiotic having failed in this simple task involving a deadline. Be that as it may, there will be no relenting this school year. The nagging resumes September 6th.

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