Thursday, October 20, 2011


Wednesday is my commute day. It's my equivalent to living on the westside and commuting downtown. 18 miles to the next little town where they have a hospital and I do surgery every couple of weeks. Just like elementary school, I try to run back home for lunch in the time between OR and office.

The drive this noon was made beautiful by a soft falling rain. So many people hate the rain and, I'll admit, I did for years. All through high school I thought the rain was just one more dimension of the indignity I had to endure moving from L.A. to rural Oregon. That all melted away after meeting Miss Right who happened to love a rainy day, loved to walk in the rain, loved the Oregon Coast on a stormy day.

Now as I drive along I love seeing the big gray clouds hanging low.  I love to see the fall colors and the lights of passing vehicles reflected on the wet pavement. Most of all, I love getting home with Tam-- having chili for lunch; cozy in sweaters. It could only be better if I didn't have an office full of patients at one o'clock.

Rain asks you to stay in and get your work done or get out and walk through a puddle. It allows you the opportunity to disconnect from what nags to be done and reflect on all the great things accomplished-- and fun to be had. Rain asks you to hold still and enjoy the day. Not liquid sunshine. Liquid opportunity.

Someday I want to assemble my "Rain" playlist. For now, enjoy this classic by Paul Simon, sung by Eva Cassidy.


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