Saturday, October 15, 2011

Manly Time

Manly days are upon us once again here in the mid part of the Great Lakes State. Bowhunting deer season started the first weekend in October. It's not an exclusively male domain by any means. I have a partner who always takes the first weekend in October off so she can head up north to her rustic cabin and climb her tree stand in the hope of killing something with antlers.

For me it's not the hunting biz, it's the clothing. I was reminded of this the other day seeing a man in his 40's and anxious to get out in the woods. He was dressed for the part even if his leg was not healed enough to permit.

This is the season of nice heavy flannel shirts, well worn jeans, and a good pair of field boots. Ball cap and Carhart coat if needed. It doesn't matter if you're shopping at Ralph Lauren or Wal-Mart-- in this state they're all appropriately stocked. All things considered, though, you might be well advised to pick up your outdoor clothes at the local farm supply. The outdoor experience here gets authentic in a hurry, especially in the coming weeks.

If you dig the look of the rugged outdoorsman we've got your number; and the accoutrements  to indulge your woodsman fantasy. So, if the mood strikes you, come on out. Grab those old jeans or a good pair of field khakis, pick up a heavy flannel shirt and pull on a pair of Red Wings. We'll go for a walk and crunch some leaves. Sorry, my Mom got rid of my bow and arrow years ago.

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