Thursday, October 6, 2011

Blueberry Buckle

Wednesday was Evan's day to bring a snack to pre-school. It was supposed to be a "B" word snack like banana, banana bread, baked beans. So I had the bright idea we should do blueberry buckle. We threw in Banana Bits and milk (Bovine Breast Beverage, duh).

Tam is the baker while I'm the cook. Thus it fell to Mom to make the buckle. I knew there was such a thing as blueberry buckle because it comes in baby food jars and adults love it. So, with a substantial collection of cookbooks here in my kitchen, Tam did the reasonable thing: She promptly opened her laptop and Googled blueberry buckle. Presto! More blueberry buckle recipes than you can throw 3 pints of blueberries at.

As it turned out, the one she selected smelled heavenly baking here in our kitchen. So much so that I suggested I run to the store and grab a bag full of Butterfingers for the pre-school and we'll demolish the buckle right here at mi casa. No deal. The buckle went.

This experience has left me to wonder just what we might be missing in the age of Google. Leafing through several cookbooks in search of a recipe allows the happy coincidence to occur. Like when looking for buckle you mistakenly open to a page featuring a chicken or vegetable dish that piques your interest. Or, even just looking through the index, you come across names of dishes or ingredients you have forgotten or have always wanted to visit or revisit.

With Google, the index itself will soon be nothing but a mystery to an entire generation because Google is just that: a giant index. Will it be 2 years or ten before a 12 year old doesn't know how to navigate a printed reference? Perhaps you think it doesn't matter but I think it does. I would wager coincidence has been responsible for the birth of more than just a few good ideas as one thumbed through the pages of a book, its table of contents or index. The most likely way that will happen when Googling is if one mistakenly omits or transposes a letter or two. But be careful, you may have some explaining to do.

For now, Google "blueberry buckle."  Take your pick, or try this one I Googled. Make your belly smile and your house smell good.

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