Monday, January 16, 2012

Just How Does That Happen?

I've been at this for a bit over twenty years now. In all that time you hear all kinds of stories as to how a person trips, slips, stumbles, falls, tumbles, and just plain goes kersplat! But, even at that, I still don't get it. I mean, 7 times out of 10 you're still left to ask: How did that happen??!

Well, tonight I came a little closer to understanding. A ten year old boy cracked up his sled and broke his leg this evening. So I did my duty. I bundled up, filled my to-go cup with my patented coffee sludge, and headed out the door. Exiting into the dark garage, cup in hand, I stepped forward while looking left to find the light switch and, next thing I know, I'm watching a film short of me, flying through the air, heading into the concrete floor, a waterfall of coffee sludge leading the way. Then came that immeasurable moment when you lie there and take inventory: what hurts, does it move, did I wreck my clothes?

I'm happy to report I remain intact. A scrape on my shin like I haven't seen since the downside of six and a sore right ankle, but no broken bones. I was able to go inside, change out my splattered coat, re-load a new cup, and start all over again. The kid's leg is snug in a cast and I'm back home safe and sound.

In all of that I'm still left to wonder: How the heck does that happen??!

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