Friday, January 27, 2012

The French Fry Mystery

Getting out of my car the other day I saw this and had to take a picture. At first I thought it was the ultimate American air freshener. After all this is Michigan. It's cold this time of year and we frequently neeed to use the defrosters in our vehicles. What could be more American than driving around with your car smelling like a fast food french fry?

But then I reconsidered: Maybe this was an occurrence like that scene in Grumpy Old Men where Walter Matthau pranks Jack Lemmon by stashing a dead fish in Lemmon's car. Maybe someone slid that baby in there so that every time the car got warmed up and ready to go the driver would go crazy trying to find out why the heck they were smelling food. Building on that I finally thought I had it figured out: That french fry hidden in the recess of the defroster vent is a marketing ploy. The fast food place offers the car owner free food or an income in exchange for planting that french fry: Every time you drive someone around they get hungry for fast food. Each time you drive your passengers thru and cater to their craving you get paid. Brilliant!

After getting into the office I showed my photo to our office manager who I just happened to know was driving that car. She claimed it was her daughter's car and blamed the french fry on crazy teenage girl behavior.  Likely story. I still think they're doing it for the money.

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