Monday, December 26, 2011

There's Got To Be A Morning After

I can't imagine that having this Monday off is a good idea. We have already spent days and weeks, if not months, thinking, planning, and shopping for December 25th. For the majority of us it was a hectic sprint in the final stretch, desperate in our struggle to reach the finish line with the rest of the pack. And then, mission accomplished, we cross the finish line entering an explosion of activity. After weeks of preparation the celebration is over in just a few hectic hours. If you're lucky, garbage day is the 26th.

In our home we had 4 new iPad owners yesterday afternoon. Not all members of my immediate family and I am not included among the chosen. In fact, I'm thinking I must be among about 2273 adults who did not get an iPad in the past 24 hours. (I'm not complaining.)  At least iPads don't have to make noise in order to work. Most all of the paper and ribbon debris was hauled out and dishes done by last night. Evan's back to normal and everyone seems intent on getting back to business as usual.

So, what's up with the 26th being a holiday? No work. No pre-school.  Just frustrated consumers standing in customer service lines at big box or department stores. For my money?  Can I please go back to work now? I'm exhausted. I just want to get back to a full day of activities..... a day when I can't wait to get home with nothing to do.

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