Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Chocolate Covered Marshmallows

I wandered into a candy store at the mall the other day. Having to wait one hour for a new pair of glasses is, on the one hand a luxury but, on the other hand can lead to some potentially treacherous expeditions while waiting. As I checked out the case filled with massive slabs of english toffee, almond bark, and a multitude of truffles I noticed two trays of chocolate coated marshmallows, milk and dark chocolate, of course.

My Dad loved chocolate covered marshmallows. He could seldom find them and, in a pinch, when a craving took control, he would substitute one of those red foil wrapped Annabelle's Rocky Road candy bars. I never thought of my Dad as having much of a sweet tooth although I've come to rethink that to some degree, his two favorite beverages being Jim Beam and Seven-Up and Harvey's Bristol Cream Sherry.

Funny how after your parents have been gone for a number of years one filters that experience. I guess I'm fortunate in that I have nothing bad to say. My Dad was a man who was loved by many people and who taught me to be kind, thoughtful, and considerate in all things-- qualities I've been able to embrace with variable success. Mostly, he was a nice guy with a kind heart and I know all to well that places him far ahead of a vast number of dads in circulation these days and before.

Finding those chocolate covered marshmallows made me think of him and inspired me to bring a couple home. So, the one I've split in half for the photo I'll devour today in memory of my Dad, on this day, the 105th anniversary of his birth. The other I'll probably take to Evan this weekend and I'll tell him all about it-- unless Kelsey shows up here first!

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