Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Heeeeere's Autumn!!

This past weekend I enjoyed driving around with the top down. Even early Saturday morning, driving 20 miles to help out in surgery: 50-some degrees, severe clear and sunny. It requires a coat and sweatshirt but it's the best time of year to drive around topless. Where I live, driving along on a quiet two-lane highway you'll pass corn fields waiting for harvest, bean fields being shaved clean, fields of soil turned and ready for winter wheat; all this framed with a perimeter of hardwoods well into their yellow, orange, and red wardrobes. And all those sites are associated with their own olfactory thumbprint-- the soil, the leaves, the fields.  It is a fleeting few days each year but, man, we hit it this past weekend! And later that day I got to walk the campus at the University of Michigan with Kels. How great to walk a classic Big 10 campus in the sunshine of a fall afternoon.

And then, today….it only took a moment: I came home from work and within less than a minute it was over. I came home to a house that was finally too cold. With a heavy gray cloud cover moving in from the west and the wind picking up, it was time to turn on the furnace.

We have a few weeks here still. Two, maybe three. But, when you live where it turns cold for months at a time, it's always a bit sobering when the bottom falls out and you have to throw the switch from "cool" to "heat." It's rather dramatic for some of us, if you hadn't noticed.

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