Thursday, May 9, 2013

Missed Attempt

A few weeks back I got tired of getting over booked, having to change travel dates and call dates and meeting dates because I've double booked a date. So I bought one of those wall calendars that has the entire year on it and includes all the holidays, major and minor, and I hung it right here on the wall behind my desk. Already it's filling up nicely with meetings and events even late into the year.  Frankly, I'm feeling kind of smart about the fact. Or was.

Mother's Day. For any who might be the least bit unclear about this, Mother's Day is this Sunday, May 12th. I'm sure about this. It's even designated on my new calendar, right there on the wall behind me. I had the opportunity to confirm this fact when I went to order a Mother's Day gift yesterday morning. I got my order in, hit "chose express delivery," hit send, and then saw that my order would not arrive until around the 16th or 17th! $10.99 express delivery and I wouldn't be getting it for over 2 weeks? Come on, already!

And then it dawned on me: I was a week off. Yesterday was the 8th. Sunday is the 12th. This Sunday is, without question, Mother's Day.

If ever there was a time to invoke the "It's the thought that counts" clause, this would be it. Meanwhile, it's time to start looking for a box of candy-- and maybe a more prominent location for my calendar. The 17th, though, should be really fun!

1 comment:

  1. It is the thought that counts. A nice diamond never hurt, either.
